A legal life line for people in debt.
Types of Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is normally something you hear struggling businesses go through in the news but if you are struggling personally, bankruptcy can be an option for you as an individual. There are a few reasons you may consider bankruptcy. You may have just lost your job, had an unexpected medical emergency, have just gone through a divorce, or maybe have had a death in the family. You are more than likely struggling to make ends meet and feel like you are buried in your debt. Bankruptcy should not be...

Pros and Cons of Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy can come with a bad reputation, but sometimes it’s the best option available for your financial situation. Yes it’s true that it can affect your credit for the next few years but it can also help you get the fresh start you desperately need. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages before you make the decision to file can help you to better decide what will benefit you more long term. Here are some important things you should consider before you make your move. ...

How to Recover after Bankruptcy
After enduring all the financial hardship and stress that accompanies bankruptcy you now have a clean slate to build your new credit profile. Rebuilding may seem scary but it actually can be simpler than you think. If you make the right moves, your credit score can actually be higher one year after filing bankruptcy than it was before you filed because you no longer are fighting to stay afloat or trying to dodge the creditors you are in debt to. Even though bankruptcy can stay on your credit...

Steps of Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy is normally thought of as a last resort. Most of the time we try so hard to resolve our debt issues on our own as best we can because the consequences of filing for bankruptcy last for such a long time. But sometimes going this rout is what is needed to get out of the hole. So now that you have decided that filing for bankruptcy is your only option, what’s next? Here is how bankruptcy works and the steps that are needed for you to take What chapter if bankruptcy is...
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