Debt Consolidation
Multiple debts are combined into a more favorable payoff terms
Top Debt Consolidation Lenders
After making the decision that debt consolidation is the best option for you, the next step is choosing a lender. Here we have listed some of the top lenders available that will help answer your questions and get you back on the path toward financial freedom. Light Stream This online lending division of Sun Trust Bank offers large loan limits to those who qualify to borrow. You must have a credit score of 660 or higher to meet their qualifications. Light Stream is known for their lack...

Knowing When to Consolidate Debt
Having debt is something that we all have to deal with in our lives at one time or another. Sometimes it can get a little out of control but before it gets to the point of no return, know that there are some good options out there. Debt consolidation is one of those options. Knowing the circumstances that are the most ideal to have before consolidating and what you can consolidate are important to understand and make the best decision to improve your financial situation. Here we will go over...

How Debt Consolidation Works
It has been ingrained in us that by having multiple accounts open it helps our credit. But what happens when you get in a little over your head and are now struggling to pay on these multiple accounts you’ve now opened? Debt consolidation could be a great option for you. What is it exactly, and how does it work? Let’s dive in. When to consider consolidating A lot of us fall for the promotion at the counter when the cashier offers a nicely sized discount if you apply for their store credit...

Consolidating Debt on Your Own
Consolidating your debt into one single loan is a great idea if you have multiple accounts open. Especially if some or all of them have high interest rates that can be hard to get out from under. Consolidating your debt basically means refinancing it and putting it all into one single loan that you then pay monthly. This method of debt management is simple to navigate on your own, so if it is your first time you don’t need to stress. Here are a few options for you to consider utilizing once...
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Steps of Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy is normally thought of as a last resort. Most of the time we try so hard to resolve our debt issues on our own as best we can because the consequences of filing for bankruptcy last for such a long time. But sometimes going this rout is what is needed to get out of the hole....
Pros and Cons of Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy can come with a bad reputation, but sometimes it’s the best option available for your financial situation. Yes it’s true that it can affect your credit for the next few years but it can also help you get the fresh start you desperately need. Knowing the advantages and...